Section: New Results

P2P Media Streaming

Participant : Gaspard Perrot.

The Heave-Ho project won the Inria 2014 Boost Your Code contest.

The goal of the project is to design an overlay network for P2P media streaming based on new HTML5 technologies such as WebRTC. While conventional Internet applications encounter problems with scaling up as the number of visitors grows, the Heave-Ho project aims to enable website's users to share the resource directly among them. The proposed solution is a perfect fit for real-time video broadcasting. In traditional server/client architecture the server can only handle a limited number of requests; if there are too many clients, some of them will not have access to the video. Using a P2P system, the video can be broadcasted to more clients. The use of sharing techniques based on user location can also cut data transfer costs directly at ISP level, thereby reducing the risk of problems such as data rate limits (https://www.inria.fr/en/content/view/full/61889 ).